Most Principals would like more money. EVERY Principal would like more time. And yet it often feels like “there’s never enough time” to achieve what we need.
So we’ve built and released ‘Find an Extra Day Each Week‘. In this extensive course, we review more than a dozen systems and mindset changes that you can begin implementing to take back control of your schedule … your time … your life.
Then download our #RealReach Checklist to track how well you’re implementing these ideas into your agency.
The Course is broken into 4 key components – Your Time, Your Team’s Time, Effective Meetings, and Priorities. Inefficiencies in each of these areas act as time vampires in your life – sucking out of you the most valuable resource in your business, your own time.
Time and money are connected. Some people would love more time to help them earn more money, while others may choose hobbies or family time. How would you live your life differently, if you had an extra day each week?
Available only to #RealReach Members, this sequence of 16 videos and tools will help you:
- Shift your mindset from time ‘management’ to ‘time investment’
- Understand where you are currently investing your time
- Understand where you actually need to invest your time to reach your Vision
- Prioritise the tasks or areas of the business you need to do more of, and which ones you need to get rid of
- Do the same for your Team, so you have the right people doing the right jobs at the right time, without you being the bottleneck
- Develop your Coaching and Leadership skills
- Design and Implement a complete Operational system designed from the top down to give you more rest and recuperation
This is NOT a Time Management Course. Instead, this is a Time INVESTMENT course – shifting your mindset and introducing a set of small changes with big returns.
For a limited time, you can download the #RealReach Create More Time Checklist without being a member.
Or consider the many benefits to your agency and your life if you had unlimited access to all of these courses (and more)? Stop running your business on your own, and join #RealReach now.